What Is Compost? Compost is decomposed organic matter. It requires five basic ingredients:
- Carbon-rich materials ("brown materials" or "browns"), such as leaves, straw, bark, paper, corn stalks, wood chips or sawdust
- Nitrogen-rich materials ("green materials" or "greens"), such as grass clippings, vegetable scraps or coffee grounds
- Water
- Oxygen
- Microorganisms, such as bacteria, molds and fungi
Don’t compost bioplastics at home.Right along with the plastic produce tags, Just like rocks break down into smaller rocks (sand), biodegradable plastics just break down into smaller plastics (plastic sand),
Biodegradable and compostable plastics do technically decompose, but they usually need to be composted by industrial systems. Check in your area to see if there’s a compost facility that accepts these. If there isn’t, choose reusable bags wherever possible. |